Now that’s independent thinking

Climate 200

Vote independent

With the 2022 federal election looming, community crowdfunding initiative Climate 200 wanted to promote a more independent approach to environmental policy.

Brains was approached by Climate 200 to run a climate-focused advertising campaign with the goal to unseat targeted LNP politicians in the next election.

We worked with Climate 200 to refresh their brand, messaging and strategy, which we then used to deliver a hugely successful digital campaign that shone a light on the game-changing potential of independent politicians.

The goal was to win three additional independent seats to create a centrist group of environmentally driven MPs who would hold the balance of power and the Government to account on emissions targets. The tactic was to focus solely on winnable electorates, including Goldstein, Wentworth, Mackellar, North Sydney, Kooyong and Curtin. To succeed, we needed to convince different voting personas in different electorates using the issues that motivated them most strongly.

Every one of the six seats targeted was won by an independent candidate in what the Guardian described as “a political earthquake”.